The Big Three of the 21st Century--Food, Energy and Water

Here at the beginning of the 21st century, the challenges are clear: the growing population is stressing the Earth's resources to the breaking point. The "big three" are Food, Energy and Water--whose initials ominously spell FEW. Looming shortages make human misery more likely as time passes without finding solutions. Will the 21st Century be known as the Century of Scarcity? Or will we find new technical, political and economic approaches to free humanity from want and discontent?

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The UN forest initiative--helpful or a recipe for starvation?

Here's an interesting UN report being rolled out in Rio: how forests can become part of a sustainable future. Who knew?

To quote from the BBC article, the UN report states that forests "are sources of food, energy and income for a billion of the world's poorest people." A reforestation activity is also being announced, with a goal of 18 million hectares of restored forests. This should also have a beneficial effect on the level of atmospheric CO2.

While the reforestation effort is laudable in itself, there is an unaddressed tension here. In a previous post, we reported that the UN Food and Agriculture Organization believes that it will be possible, barely, to feed the world in 2050. Among the steps that are critically important to avoiding mass starvation: create more farmland. And where is this new land going to come from? The FAO report does not say, and the UN State of the World's Forests report does not bring it up.

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